Monday, March 06, 2006

Solomon amendment still there

From the Supreme Court today, the Solomon amendment was ruled constitutional. It was an overturning of a ruling by the 3rd Circuit Court that ruled it was not. This means that any school recieving federal funding from the US government (not student aid) has to allow military recruiters at least equal access compared to civilian employers. This does not mean that the school can't say what they want, but that they have to at least allow access to the recruiters. Good for the Supreme Court.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What you're saying is, this is a message we believe in strongly, but we don't believe in it to the detriment of $100 million," the chief justice told a university lawyer.

That, IMO is the greatest line ever. It's amazing what a little money can do to influence people's decisions.

3/06/2006 7:08 PM  

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