Why the UN is more than worthless but horrid
Mark Steyn is a well reasoned writer and had turned his eye towards the UN. And he kills it. Ruthlessly. Check out the criticism here if you want to get a very detailed account on why the UN needs to go. It has one part that really sticks with me cause its a good analogy.
It’s a good basic axiom that if you take a quart of ice cream and a quart of dog mess and mix ’em together, the result will taste more like dog mess than ice cream. That’s the problem with the UN. If you make the free nations and the thug states members of the same club, the danger isn’t that they’ll meet each other half-way but that the free world winds up going three-quarters or seven-eighths of the way. Indeed, the UN has met the thug states so much more than half way that they now largely share the dictators’ view of their peoples—as either helpless children who need every decision made for them, or a bunch of dupes whose national wealth can be rerouted to a Swiss bank account.Does either theory or experience teach us that this is a good idea?
Life is what you make of it. The United States and other member states of the UN have decided [over the years] that talking about problems and throwing money at problems (even if it winds up in everybody else's pockets, instead of helping who it was supposed to have) was ok.
Now...in the last few months the pressure from the American public [and a few politicians] has resulted in Bolton being given the assignment [which he took, knowing he would fail] of getting the UN to quit being the biggest bunch of con-artists, thieves and anti-western pretenders in the history of the world.
And on top of that they want money to build a billion plus new building for their evil, criminal activities [with free parking].
Papa Ray
West Texas
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