Sunday, February 26, 2006


With their massive media blitz, Gilette has come out with their new "shaving system" in the last few weeks known as the fusion. The latest and greatest in shaving. But how well does this sucker actually shave? Sadly, not that good. Friend of mine got this new razor and planned on using it. He used it exactly 4 times before giving it up. Why? Well its so larger than the head of the Mach 3 so it doesn't fit very well on the hard to shave parts like the nose and he chin. Also, he gets even more irritation than with the Mach 3. Add that on the fact that the new blades average 50 cents more per blade to a tune of 3-3.50 a pop, its a big waste of money for him.

Since his new razor just wasn't what he was looking for, I asked to borrow it and tried it with the last new blade. He wasn't kidding. Wow this razor is not worth anywhere close to the money. I just started to have my skin get back to normal after using the Mach 3 last weekend and now its gonna be another week from this new sucker. Everything that my friend said was true, its too big, irritates my skin, and really, doesn't make that close of a shave. It doesn't cut me, but it doesn't cut my hair either. And then i looked up how much they cost for blades, and wow. I give up on all the new systems of shaving.

In case you were wondering, this is what i shave with:

Thats not it exactly but its pretty dang close. Its a single blade, double edged safety razor from Merkur. Its quite nice and pretty easy to learn to use. Finding good articles from websites like Classic Shaving helps alot as to technique. Soon, as in when it comes, I will start using a straight blade and one of the old style brushes in a mug for lather. Given my lack of free time and dedication that would normally be needed for straight blades, I am going in a slightly different direction. Its got a disposable straight blade. Cheating? Yes, probably. But the blades are only used for about 5 shaves and they cost almost nothing. Like a quarter or 20 cents a blade, so its a better shave with less irritation and much cheaper. Also better for the environmnet. Seems like a good idea to me and hopefully in a week er so i can write on how well its going. And really, which one of these two razors do you want to be seen shaving with?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to be honest, the old fashioned style razors scare me a bit... i have yet to find the "perfect" razor, but for now, i'll stick with the vibrating Venus razor

2/26/2006 9:58 PM  
Blogger Maddawg said...

The DE (or double edge if you prefer) razors are actually a lot better and really are much better for you. It does take some work to get good at it but i am far far far happier using my DE compared to any of the new style ones. And with the cost, and the crappy for the enviroment blades that arn't that good anyway, i hate it. Though its probably a lot different for guys and girls.

2/28/2006 7:56 AM  

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