Wednesday's Quickie including shit from Cindy
I got it! I got it! I can finally say i have caught Cindy Sheehan in a direct lie. Thanks to CounterPunch for the link to the interview. Here is the money quote from the interview:
As an update to the post from yesterday on Joe Stein, i have the interview he conducted with Hugh Hewitt. Its pretty good and the link is here from Powerline. Watching Hugh Hewitt interview this guy and call him on his shit is fun, but the end it really telling. This is a man that has not even done his research to see what the reality of what is going on in Iraq or Afghanistan. He says that he is not an expert, but then he states that nothing of value is accomplished. Its like not opening your eyes and telling people that there are no buildings in front you. If you don't do your research, how can you even make a claim or come to a position? Unless he has an inate bias...
What sports car are you? I am a Dodge Viper! I tend to think i am more of a old style Dodge Charger but thats not bad. Thanks to Instapundit for providing the link. Go here to see what kind you are!
Two new articles from Stratagy Page. First, it appears that the hailing of the M-240B might be a bit premature as there is a new M-60. The company that makes the M-60 has changed around the aged design and has fixed the jamming issues and the barrel issues. The new barrel gets hot alot slower. Even better is that it can fire much better, the demonstration fired for over 1 minutes straight repeatitly with no jams, rough for a full auto. The second is the huge market for the T-72 tank. You can look up the history of this cold war relic on any search engine but the cold fact is that it is good looking and impressive against most other none modern tanks. Its good for bullying poor neighbors but also for keeping from being bullied. It would get its ass handed to it by any good modern tank like the Abrams.
Last point i want to make is more of a question. What do we do about Iran, if anything. I see 4 options. The first is to do nothing more than we are currently doing. Talks, rhetoric, depending on the EU3. The second option is economic means. If you know anything about the history of sanctions, you should know that sanctions are less than effective. The 3rd option is an invasion. This would be highly effective, as its virtually impossible to stop the US in the field and if done correctly, there would not be an occupation as much as go in, destroy the government and nuke facilites, and get out. Risky though for many reasons. The 4th option is to just bomb them, particularly the power, oil, and suspected nuke facilities. With our impressive air dominance, this is a low risk option in military terms but does carry political risk. It is likely to work as to shut off energy and power, as well as their only real export for cash, the nuke program essentually stops dead in its tracks. It does leave the government in power right now though. I support the 4th option as of right now, in effect roughly 6-12 montsh from now assuming no breakthroughs.
He wanted to be a Chaplain's Assistant in the military, but when he got to bootcamp, they said that specialty was filled, so he would have to be a humvee mechanic or a cook, and he chose to be a humvee mechanic--and that's what his specialty was the day he was killed in Iraq.Now I am a military man so i feel well qualified to call myself an expert here in that THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. Why? Well because you pick your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) before you sign your contract. You find out what jobs are available, pick your time to enter basic training (and you can pick where if you are not locked into a specific time period). They can tell you what jobs are available, where you will be going to train for them and how long it is expected to take. I have on my orders, which I got to pick, that i would go to Benning on May 15th, expected to get to Ft. Gordan on July 26th (not sure if thats exact) and then graduate on October 2nd. I got put on a different track because of the place of my reserve post so mine took 2 weeks longer. But this is how it is always done when you get to MEPS. Your MOS cannot be changed without your approval once you sign your contract to take it. You don't sign your contract without a MOS on it that cannot be changed without your approval. It is true that you can be put into another job when in theater such as manning a checkpoint or patrols but that happens only in theater and usually isn't done that much. No one argues that is what happened to Casey Sheehan. So this little story is a lie, it CANNOT be true. The rest of the interview is long but if you have the time, its a larf to read it all.
As an update to the post from yesterday on Joe Stein, i have the interview he conducted with Hugh Hewitt. Its pretty good and the link is here from Powerline. Watching Hugh Hewitt interview this guy and call him on his shit is fun, but the end it really telling. This is a man that has not even done his research to see what the reality of what is going on in Iraq or Afghanistan. He says that he is not an expert, but then he states that nothing of value is accomplished. Its like not opening your eyes and telling people that there are no buildings in front you. If you don't do your research, how can you even make a claim or come to a position? Unless he has an inate bias...
What sports car are you? I am a Dodge Viper! I tend to think i am more of a old style Dodge Charger but thats not bad. Thanks to Instapundit for providing the link. Go here to see what kind you are!
Two new articles from Stratagy Page. First, it appears that the hailing of the M-240B might be a bit premature as there is a new M-60. The company that makes the M-60 has changed around the aged design and has fixed the jamming issues and the barrel issues. The new barrel gets hot alot slower. Even better is that it can fire much better, the demonstration fired for over 1 minutes straight repeatitly with no jams, rough for a full auto. The second is the huge market for the T-72 tank. You can look up the history of this cold war relic on any search engine but the cold fact is that it is good looking and impressive against most other none modern tanks. Its good for bullying poor neighbors but also for keeping from being bullied. It would get its ass handed to it by any good modern tank like the Abrams.
Last point i want to make is more of a question. What do we do about Iran, if anything. I see 4 options. The first is to do nothing more than we are currently doing. Talks, rhetoric, depending on the EU3. The second option is economic means. If you know anything about the history of sanctions, you should know that sanctions are less than effective. The 3rd option is an invasion. This would be highly effective, as its virtually impossible to stop the US in the field and if done correctly, there would not be an occupation as much as go in, destroy the government and nuke facilites, and get out. Risky though for many reasons. The 4th option is to just bomb them, particularly the power, oil, and suspected nuke facilities. With our impressive air dominance, this is a low risk option in military terms but does carry political risk. It is likely to work as to shut off energy and power, as well as their only real export for cash, the nuke program essentually stops dead in its tracks. It does leave the government in power right now though. I support the 4th option as of right now, in effect roughly 6-12 montsh from now assuming no breakthroughs.
very very interesting... but don't you think its possible that she wasn't directly lying, but just misunderstood how the system worked? isn't it possible that casey *did* originally want to be a chaplain's assistant, but all the spots were filled and so, BEFORE he signed his contract, he decided to be a humvee mechanic? unless of course, i'm misunderstanding too, which is entirely possible.
oh! and i'm a corvette ;-)
Well its possible that she wasn't lying and that she was just wrong because she was an idiot, but even if she was just wrong, doesn't that indicate that she didn't understand her son's situation. Why should we trust anything that comes outta her mouth. The point is that Casey Sheehan knew before he signed any contract that he was going to be a light wheel mechanic and that he would possibly be in combat situation, its in the job description.
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