Posting on Semi-Auto
Here are some of the hot stories of the day and weekend so far. Apologies for no posts in the last few days but I have been either busy, drunk, or sick. Feeling much better today be I am certainly still sick.
Clarence Allen, a 76 year old man tried and convicted in California for murder, was executed. His appeal was denied both by the state supreme court and Gov. Schwarzenegger. Both of the bodies said that the circumstances of his crimes had not changed and that the serving of 23-24 years on death row were not punishment enough since the sentence handed down was death. The BBC has a link here.
The big three in Europe: France, Germany and the UK, are pushing for a referral of Iran to the UN Security Counsel. Earlier, Iran stated that a referral would be tantamount to war. After months of wrangling, Iran has broken UN seals and has not resolved issues that have arised with the IAEA. Russia, who is building the reactor that Iran is trying to get, is resisting the move by the Big 3. It should also be noted that Russia has a vested interest in not seeing Iran in the Security Counsel as Iran is a large trading partner of Russia, especially weapons. Here is a link.
Alito's vote is being delayed one week. As far as I understand the procedural rules of the Senate, unlikely, this is a standard issue delay that works for only one week. The judiciary committee will vote on Alito on the 24th and the full-floor debate will occur the following day. A vote to confirm by the judiciary committee is expected easily as 10 members have already said they will vote to confirm. The big question is whether the democrats will use the filibuster option on Alito.
Should be my last wiretapping post, but I just wanna show the craziness going through the head of Al Gore. Here is his statements regarding his desire to see an independent counsel. Now you really have to think he missed the boat on this issue that is a good month old. It also doesn't help that pretty much every serious legal mind has said that it is legal. Now there is an argument, and maybe a very good argument, that the President SHOULD NOT have these powers but given legal precedent, stated on this blog weeks ago, the President does have the power to do set up the monitoring that he has. Gore even came out in favor of a similar program when he was vice, if anyone wants to know about it, google the clipper act.
There will be new elections coming up in Israel. With Sharon suffering his serious health problems and being in a coma, it is becoming clear that he will not return to office. His new political party might have enough of the vote to keep a similar vision for the ME in sight but we will not know for a few more weeks. Its very likely however that if Sharon's new party does not win, a hard line right party will take power. Israel is accepting the transition of power away from Sharon according to Reuters, as you can read here
We are seeing a very different approach to foreign relations from Germany in the past few months since Merkel has taken power. Schroder was very much in agreement, or if you are more cynical like me subservient, with the desires and policies of France and Russia. Merkel seems to be much more involved with the US and UK positions though even there she is not creating very close ties. She seems to be taking Germany toward a more leadership role that does not want to blindly follow any other country, even though she is more open to relations with the US and UK. The independent shows the more prickly relations with Russia here
There is a cabinet reshuffle going on in Taiwan right now with the minority party that holds the presidency losing popular support. Not an area of huge concern right now but could develop into it.
Clarence Allen, a 76 year old man tried and convicted in California for murder, was executed. His appeal was denied both by the state supreme court and Gov. Schwarzenegger. Both of the bodies said that the circumstances of his crimes had not changed and that the serving of 23-24 years on death row were not punishment enough since the sentence handed down was death. The BBC has a link here.
The big three in Europe: France, Germany and the UK, are pushing for a referral of Iran to the UN Security Counsel. Earlier, Iran stated that a referral would be tantamount to war. After months of wrangling, Iran has broken UN seals and has not resolved issues that have arised with the IAEA. Russia, who is building the reactor that Iran is trying to get, is resisting the move by the Big 3. It should also be noted that Russia has a vested interest in not seeing Iran in the Security Counsel as Iran is a large trading partner of Russia, especially weapons. Here is a link.
Alito's vote is being delayed one week. As far as I understand the procedural rules of the Senate, unlikely, this is a standard issue delay that works for only one week. The judiciary committee will vote on Alito on the 24th and the full-floor debate will occur the following day. A vote to confirm by the judiciary committee is expected easily as 10 members have already said they will vote to confirm. The big question is whether the democrats will use the filibuster option on Alito.
Should be my last wiretapping post, but I just wanna show the craziness going through the head of Al Gore. Here is his statements regarding his desire to see an independent counsel. Now you really have to think he missed the boat on this issue that is a good month old. It also doesn't help that pretty much every serious legal mind has said that it is legal. Now there is an argument, and maybe a very good argument, that the President SHOULD NOT have these powers but given legal precedent, stated on this blog weeks ago, the President does have the power to do set up the monitoring that he has. Gore even came out in favor of a similar program when he was vice, if anyone wants to know about it, google the clipper act.
There will be new elections coming up in Israel. With Sharon suffering his serious health problems and being in a coma, it is becoming clear that he will not return to office. His new political party might have enough of the vote to keep a similar vision for the ME in sight but we will not know for a few more weeks. Its very likely however that if Sharon's new party does not win, a hard line right party will take power. Israel is accepting the transition of power away from Sharon according to Reuters, as you can read here
We are seeing a very different approach to foreign relations from Germany in the past few months since Merkel has taken power. Schroder was very much in agreement, or if you are more cynical like me subservient, with the desires and policies of France and Russia. Merkel seems to be much more involved with the US and UK positions though even there she is not creating very close ties. She seems to be taking Germany toward a more leadership role that does not want to blindly follow any other country, even though she is more open to relations with the US and UK. The independent shows the more prickly relations with Russia here
There is a cabinet reshuffle going on in Taiwan right now with the minority party that holds the presidency losing popular support. Not an area of huge concern right now but could develop into it.
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