Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tuesday's Quickie

Well lets start off with another great one from the LA Times. Joe Stein to be exact. I can only make one good comment about the whole thing, at least this is a flaming liberal who lays it all out on the line. No false fronts, no lies, just saying what he really means this time. Check out the whole thing, thanks to Mudville Gazette, here. My favorite money quote is this:
I know this is all easy to say for a guy who grew up with money, did well in school and hasn't so much as served on jury duty for his country. But it's really not that easy to say because anyone remotely affiliated with the military could easily beat me up, and I'm listed in the phone book.

Its almost ironic in that he says this yet he knows that it won't happen. He is safe in his little, eglitarian world and he knows it. So of course its easy for him to say it, he is protected by the law. But he is still an elitest, unpatriotic punk in my opnion.

In case you havn't heard, the liberal government of Canada, often making headlines by being confrontational with the US, is out. The conservatives Tories have been voted into power. The march of conservatism continues...

Alito makes the open Senate after today. He passed by a 10-8 vote along party lines. Confirmation vote should occur within the week.

After much probing on possible rendition flights, there is still no proof it occured. Just idle chatter and speculation. Apperently, unsubstantiated rumors that have been probed several times with no evidence is news.


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