Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Jim's Big News

Back in clemson for what feels like the first time in a long while. And really, my drill weekend doesn't count so its been almost 2 weeks. And it seems like much longer to me. Break was good, not very relaxing at all. Actually good doesn't measure up. Perhaps great or outstanding would be a much better word. Why? Well, i'm getting married! Had a lot of time to think about it, and was thinking about it for a while anyway, and we decided to. No, I didn't make the official proposal yet, but since we are working with a really constrained time budget, we wanted to start planning now and the offical ringing part will come soon as possible. Yes its not the best plan in the world, but it works for us.

Wedding Plans:
The date will be on May 13th and we are looking at a ceremony time around 7:30 in the evening (Sara always did want an evening wedding). I am working on the guest list so if I talked to you about coming, make sure i have your address so that you can get an invitation. Also, to those of ya'll that don't get an invitation, we are not making a huge deal out of this and the wedding will be small so i don't mean to slight anyone its just that we can't have that many people come. My apologies. Oh and planning is alot of work. We got the dress taken care of, as well as my ring, and we think we have good progress made on the photography and invitations. The place for the ceremony, reception, and food are the big issues right now. We also got most of the wedding registry taken care of but not entirely. Thanks to everyone thats been very helpful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


ps...are ya'll having a saber arch??


3/29/2006 7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember to get the guy at the reception that cuts the fresh beef for you cooked to order. :)

3/29/2006 4:57 PM  

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