Monday, January 30, 2006

Bush breaks 50%

I hope to have more up today even with my crazy schedule but here is a fun quick tidbit. Bush broke 50% in the polls. I still have lots of reservations about the man when it comes to alot of his policies, but considering his contempory challengers on the left and right, I think this is good news. And, as Instapundit notes, Bush hasn't done much lately and the people with the most face time in the past week are Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. Why does the democratic party let these people be their spokespeople? It would be like having Pat Robertson (even though he will never be elected anywhere) speaking for the Republicans. Its downright silly to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, given that both "governing" bodies of the United States are run by the right-wing party, I don't think the quote "the government that governs the best is the one that governs the least" is the lesson learned here. I think it should be the "conservative or Republican government that governs best is the one that governs the least."

We haven't had a real shot at seeing a progressive government, through and through, both houses of Congress and a consistent Presidency for two terms, in quite some time. We can start, though, in November, so get out the vote!

Oh wait, you're all fascists on this thing. Nevermind. Stay in and read a book.

I kid, I kid. But seriously, there's no reason for you to waste a day at your polling place. ;-)

1/31/2006 8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to add this: Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden, these are people that make me proud to be a Democrat. They fight for the people, not for big business. They fight for civil liberties, not for so-called "security." These are the true patriots in the halls of Congress.

And speaking of security, I found an amazing quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower:

"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government."

1/31/2006 9:00 AM  
Blogger Maddawg said...

Lets see, we have Ted Kennedy, a man so far removed from the people he makes Daddy Bush look like Joe Six-pack. Also has that thing with the woman who he kinda let die in a river when it was his fault...

Joe Biden, the man that has been documented here and other places of having to lie and misconstrue his facts to make a case against progress in Iraq.

John Kerry, a man who got his ass kicked by Bush, worse than Gore by a ton. Also tried to run on his military record, then claimed that any threat to that record was off the pale and wanted to shut up other veterans with whom he served. But was more than happy to engage in questioning Bush's record.

Wonderful people and patriots all. Surprised Jim McDermitt isn't in there.

Oh and the last time you had all the branches of government was Jimmy Carter as president. The US Congress was a democratic institution for roughly 50 years before 92 with Newt winning it back and its been that way since.

With regard to the progressives not being given a shot, its something you have to earn and most people don't trust your progressives. Side note, the only time that the Rebublicans have had government control like you said is now, and we only in year 5.5 er so of it. This is the first 2 term republican government (assuming control of congress doesn't change)

1/31/2006 10:21 AM  

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