Laying out the facts:
My ability to write is obviously inferior to many other people in the world. I know i don't write that well but what i do well is research and process lots of information and then, i post it here ;) One of my friends referred me to this piece today and i thought it was pretty interesting. Enjoy. Agree or Yell and scream that it's horse sh*t as you wish.
Toronto Sun
Toronto Sun
That was....well, wow, I'm surprised it was published, glad it was though, b/c its the truth. Keep preaching baby, keep preaching!!! hahaha
Oddly enough, I agree with a lot this article has to say. At the risk of sounding racist, I think the rap culture, this urban thugganomics bullshit has really hurt the fabric of America.
Now, my solution would not be to flood every aspect of American life with Christianity. That would only make me resist.
And neither my solution would be to completely cut off all social funding. There's absolutely no way we can tell the drug addict, crack dealers who file for welfare from the mother-with-two-children-who-just-can't-catch-a-break-and-who-might-be-getting-discriminated-against who files for welfare.
But I do agree that that is a big problem. I fault business more than anything for the problem.
During the Industrial Revolution and leading up through WWII, the city was the center of American life. The city is where all the factories and warehouses were. Everybody lived in the city who worked in the city, and there was an abundance of unskilled labor jobs.
But with the occurence of "White Flight" and suburban sprawl, many businesses moved warehouses and factories to the suburbs, to escape high city taxes and to be closer to their workers who had moved to the suburbs (in some cases it was vice versa: the workers moved to the suburbs to follow the work). Still, some people just moved to the suburbs for more *green* neighborhoods, and still commute and work in the city.
Think about that for a second. The suburbs suck up the city's job pool, but doesn't collect taxes from a good portion of the people that reap the benefits of the city. Thus, inner city crime skyrockets with the lack of funding for an adequate police force. Poverty is multiplied in the city, which raises crime proportionally.
Ok, I'm done. Just something to think about.
Drew makes a good point about the "white flight" as far as jobs moving. I can't really say i blame the businesses becasue they do what they do to make money. Thats the goal of every business and economically it mades sense. I really don't have a solution either cause i am not really sure i agree with everything the auther says. I do however think that the use of social programs to solve the issue has been a tremendous flop at a huge loss of money. The whole culture has to change for there to be real change in urban enviroments. It seems to me that the only way to change the cities is to change what opportunities are available in the cities, though i am at a loss on how to bring good jobs back into the cities. The businesses left for a reason and now they have their original reason plus all the newer problems to stay away
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