Monday, November 21, 2005

Paying for Masterbation is not enough...

This struck me as going beyond crazy. Perhaps i am just a heartless conservative who is just out to screw over the handicapped though

Brussels Journal


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never really gave this matter much thought, but I guess even crippled guys wanna get theirs.

11/23/2005 12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, well, unfortunately for him, getting laid (or a hand job) is not a right. If he starts getting his prostitutes paid for, then all the lonely sweaty nerds will all start thinking they have a right to have their prostitutes paid for. After all - they're socially handicapped.

I blame the mom - he'd have never known the difference if she hadn't said anything.

11/23/2005 6:14 PM  
Blogger Bill C said...

Hey Sara,

If you ever have a boy you will learn that it ain't optional. You want to turn a population of men into angry fanatics who are willing to strap bombs on their backs just make it impossible for them to get off. (see the Middle East)

It is time for the western world to legalize prostitution. Why? Because women use sex to get us to buy them houses and diamond rings. It is time to lower the price of p****.

11/24/2005 1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


He didn't even know what sex was until his mom explained it to him. He didn't even ask for it 'til three years later. At any rate, that comment was made in jest. It still stands that you have no given right to sex. The government has no obligation to provide you with the means to get off, especially if those means involve another person.
Legalizing prostitution is another matter entirely. But, should it happen, I doubt you'll see a decrease in diamond and house sales since most people are not purchasing those as a means to sex.

11/24/2005 11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a naive comment to make, Sara. Every woman in the Western hemisphere would be homeless if there weren't some guy who wanted to fuck her!

11/24/2005 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh okay, I must have missed the statistic that said only men buy houses.

I mean, it only stands to reason, since women can't read after all. How could we ever even look at listings or get a job to pay for such a thing?

I guess I'll just get back to thinking up new and interesting ways to manipulate men into liking me more, and leave the discussion to the men-folk.

11/26/2005 4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitch, get back in that kitchen and make me a pie!

11/27/2005 10:11 PM  
Blogger Maddawg said...

Kent, the last thing you need is yet another pie...;)

11/29/2005 4:46 PM  

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