Back to Hammer Time?
If you are like me, and many people arn't, you are highly disappointed in the Republican controlled Congress. In the last few months, republicans have been having a hard time using their majority to ram through legislation that is conservative. This is partly due to the continual bitching by the minority democrats but also has to do with liberal republicans not voting with the party bloc. Now, as many of you know, i am for the abolition of the 2 party system. However, since we have that system, we elect members who will vote as we want. And the majority right now is conservative so why is more conservative legislation making it through. Well hopefully, the days of Republican solidarity are about to return. The ridiculous, politcally motivated, charges againts Tom Delay (aka: The Hammer) will be thrown out. Even if what he did was objectionable, he is being accused of breaking a law that was established in 2003 during the year of 2002. Ummm....what? To quote old skool robots..."Does Not Compute" Look up the charges that have been dragged on to Delay if you don't believe me. The only reason this case was even considereed is the judge who held it up is a democrat who routinely gives to the DNC and individual democrat candidates. Conflict of interest much? With a new judge (though still another senior democrat) hopefully these bullshit chrages will be thrown out and the Hammer will be cracking down on these republican lites again. Oh and i think we can all guess on whether or not he will be pleased with the democratic establishment on this one and his likelyhood of moving on with no hard feeling.
Tom DeLay will get himself out of this one just like he has all the other legal trouble in which he has found himself, I'm sure.
I think you're utterly out of touch with reality. The midterm Congressional elections loom LARGE just over the horizon, less than a year away. Republicans aren't voting against the conservatives because they're "weak" or anything like that; they're voting against the conservatives because public opinion is skewing back to the center. After electing Bush the Illterate in 2004, many people, including in red states like Virginia (which Bush carried by 9 points and just elected a Democratic governor by 6 points), have started to second guess themselves. To counter-balance his inept administration, they're leaning heavily toward electing a Democratic Congress in 2006 to tackle such issues as global warming, which Bush views as a myth, and energy dependence, not to mention the Vietnam-ish bog in which we've waded hip-deep in the Middle East.
But one quick thing about the moderates. It's important to remember that not all Republicans want religion doctrine taught in public school, not all Republicans want guns permeating our society more than they already are, not all Republicans want every public service privatized (to their campaign contributors, of course), and not all Republicans want a never-ending wartime economy.
On a side note, I didn't know that you wanted to abolish the two-party system. Just out of curiosity, what would you want instead?
Well kent, as much as i love to point out how you are wrong, I will keep this short. First of all lets attack the swinging back to the center idea because VA elected a democrat by 6 points. VA had a democrat governor before the election. Gov Warner is a democrat so it doesn't show a change in opinion at all since they elected a democrat for governor in VA and they also elected Bush. Also, i think that for someone that knows NOTHING about how the US military is structured, its history, how missions were conducted in Vietnam and how they are being conducted in Iraq, you really should not try to speak as if you know what is going on in Iraq to compare it to Vietnam. I mean last time I asked you couldn't even get a ballpark estimate to how big the military is, how it is divided up, where the defense budget goes or...well...anything else that would be in the realm of fact. Oh last thing for ya, if you are gonna make fun of Bush for being illiterate, you really should try to do it correctly and not say he is "Illterate"
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