Here is the problem i have with the torture amendment. Three problems actually. The first is that sometimes torture does work to get you the information that you need. There isn't always time to slowly break a prisoner that has very important information that needs to be found ASAP. Its unfortunate and a shitty business but sometimes it works. An experienced interrogator should be able to tell whether the person is telling the truth and get it from them. The 2nd problem with it is that the definition of tortue varies so much. Is having someone walk aroung with panties on their head torture? How about making them be sleep deprieved? No steak? There is no concensous definition on what torture is so how do you outlaw it. That leads to the 3rd and the most important point. If you do set what is and what is not torture, you lose the advantage on a prisoner because he (or she) knows what you can and can't do. If you know you can only be put through so much and they can't actually cause you physical pain for example then you gain a mental edge. The open door to what they COULD do is massively important.
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