Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Yet more evidence that the wiretapping bullsh*t was not only legal but necessary. This from Max Boot of the LA times.
For instance, in August 2001, FBI agents in Minneapolis stumbled onto Zacarias Moussaoui, one of the Al Qaeda plotters. The 9/11 commission later concluded that a "maximum U.S. effort to investigate Moussaoui … might have brought investigators to the core of the 9/11 plot." But officials didn't seek a warrant to search his laptop because they lacked "probable cause" under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. FISA is the law that Bush is now accused of circumventing.

I'm still miffed that no one in the MSM seems to be talking about the problem of these leaks. We heard all about Valerie Plume, an agent that worked relatively openly in Langley as an analyst for months, with special investigations on who leaked her name. Does anyone really think that comprimised national security? But then we have actual national security programs, such as the rendition, the agressive techniques, the wiretapping, and the idea of (with no proof) of secret prisons. All of this was revealed by the MSM and apperenly there is no questioning of if that hurt our national security. Which its very likely to do. I'm really sick of stuff like that.

AHHHHHH! As if the nuclear weapons they are trying to build isn't enough, the civil liberties are being trashed! This should give everyone a reason that we need to invade right now!

Iran Bans Western Music

More from the crazy woman, Cindy Sheehan. Apperently, the press didn't give her enough coverage. I think she really might be totally, mentally, unhinged.

Cindy Speaks!

More shite from those crazy Iranian Government Sponsered Propagandaists:

Money Quote: "In 1883, about 150 French children were murdered in a horrible way in the suburbs of Paris, before the Jewish Passover holiday. Later research showed that the Jews had killed them and taken their blood."

Iran Propaganda

More great ideas from democrats.

The I word

I think you really have to wonder about the timing of the release of the wiretapping stuff. The NYT had it for a year. They were explicitly requested not to report the classified information. They didn't for a year then they did immediately after the Iraqi elections. The timing is odd isn't it?


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