Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Daily Quickie

We all enjoy a good quickie everynow and then....

1) I think the whole situation is tragic but if the man was running, impressing to the Marshals that he had a bomb, and refused to stop when Marshals told him several times, the Marshals did it right. Also, despite what the guardian suggests, they couldn't have known the wife was telling the truth; what if she was an accomplice, as the wife of a suicide bomber in Jordan was?

Miami Bomber

2) Democratic Senators call ad by GOP shameful and disgusting. If you havn't, look at the ad, and see if you think its any of those things. The answer is yes but not because its the ad itself. Point is, you say it, its fair game.

Gop Ad and Homepage

3) Little Torn on this one as I think its great that we are teaching kids that guns are not toys and should be handled responsibly. That being said, its a freaking toy gun, whats next water guns?

Toy Gun Bash

4) I gotta wonder if this is just posteuring by the PA. If there is every going to be a decent chance at peace in the region, the violent hardliners on both sides need to be reigned in. Sharon has left his Likud party to form a more centrist party with the goal of establishing statehood but the PA seems beholden to the military groups.

End of a Truce

5) Diversity for Santa? Well, I can't say the idea isn't bad, but unless the malls are being charged with discrimination of not highering black men to play Santa, i don't see the problem. Counter point, I wonder if the Mocha-Moms would take a white woman to join them, or perhaps an Arab woman?

Diversity for Santa

6) Good column here on immigration. Don't know how i feel about it that much, cause i can understand the draw to the country and the desire to get in by any means necessary. At the same time, "What does it mean when your first act is to break the laws of your new country? What does it mean when you know you are implicitly supported in lawbreaking by that nation's ruling elite? What does it mean when you know your new country doesn't even enforce its own laws? What does it mean when you don't even have to become an American once you join America?"

Peggy Noonan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The message of the toy gun thing seems a bit...confused. On one hand they're telling kids to not have guns, on the other hand, the kids get a chance to take part in a shooting competition. Conflicting messages much?
Immigration-Maybe, having the break the laws of the country you are trying the become a part of, and yet knowing that those laws will not be enforced, means something is wrong with the fucking laws! And why does this writer assume that entering the country illegally means not appreciating citizenship if/when it is obtained? Isn't risking your life for something counting it as being worth the highest cost? People die trying to get into this country. Not so much coming in from mexico, and especially not from canada, but coming in from cuba absolutely.
3 generations ago, when people were coming through Ellis Island, damn near anyone was welcome. The tired, the poor, the huddled masses, they all found homes. Now? Unless you have quite a bit of money, legally entering this country can be a long daunting task. And often, the choice is between staying in the current country and facing likely death often from starvation or something similar, or entering the US illegally. Does that author really think someone who knows that they'd likely be dead if they hadn't come here, isn't going to afford being here proper value? Please. Anyone who is in a position to advise the president on anything, is not too likely to understand what it is to be poor, or desperate. Her grandmother slept on a park bench huh? She wonders if the people informing immigration policy have ever slept on a park bench? I wonder if that author's ever spent so much as a single night without shelter, even a single day of utter uncertainty about her future, about her continued existence. I wonder if she's ever been hungry with no chance of food, cold with no chance of shelter. I wonder if SHE'S ever slept on a park bench, or under a bridge on the highway.

12/11/2005 11:45 PM  
Blogger Maddawg said...

I think the idea behind the fun thing isn't that guns are necessarily bad but that they need to be handled with responsibility and respect and not for shooting at people but at targets.

Good point but I got a few counters. The first is that the writer doesn't necessarily have first hand knowledge but did know someone who did. So it has some context. And also, there is alot of people coming in that are not having quite a bit of money. Most are students who then get TA jobs for colleges. Even more so the engineering fields. Thats a good legal way to come in. The author doesn't place blame only on the people breaking the laws but also on the lack enforcement of them because they look good to pass to appease the people who want them (ie the voters) but its so hard to keep up with enforcement they would just rather ignore the issue. Also, most immigrants from Cuba, are given asylem pretty quickly so they are not here illegally.

12/12/2005 12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but her whole point seems to be that coming in illegally means you don't appreciate being here, which, bullshit. bullshit bullshit bullshit.

And she rags about how these 'elite' are making immigration laws, but take a look at her biography. I doubt she's ever really suffered for anything in her life, or had to risk everything for anything at all.

She writes as though people entering the country illegally are just, saying pishposh and doing as they please, rather than giving up their everything and risking their lives for just a CHANCE at something better.

12/12/2005 12:34 AM  
Blogger Maddawg said...

If you read her article as you did, then the first point is tally valid. I got the sense that she wasn't saying that they don't value being here but rather that they are not respecting the rule of law. Many other people get into this country legally, from shitty situations, so isn't it kind just saying to them that oh well you did it by the rulz but these people who broke the law to come in are gonna get amnesty. She is saying it sets a bad precident.

Her being full of shit for not having spent time in suffering in her life, i don't know, i don't, and bet you don't, know much about her. I do think that she isn't trying to set policy though. Perhaps the best people to listen to are the legal immigrants of the country?

I agree that risking your life to come here can be a very hard act, even noble, but as a country are we to reward breaking the law, even if its for personal noble reasons?

12/12/2005 1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I still don't take her point, that entering illegally makes you less likely to appreciate being part of this country, as valid. None of the things she says in any way back that up.
*shrug* but I'm bored with this topic, I said what I had to say about it in my LJ.

12/13/2005 12:33 AM  

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